Kamis, 17 November 2016

Opponent Thailand, Indonesia Without Evan Dimas?

Opponent Thailand, Indonesia Without Evan Dimas?

The preparation of the national team of Indonesia towards the AFF Cup 2016 has entered the final round. But ahead of the first match facing Thailand, Saturday (19/11/1999),Indonesia national team having problems fitness of players, one of which came from the national team mainstay, midfielder Evan Dimas.

It is said to be directly by the national team coach Alfred Riedl, Indonesia. Evan Dimas pun according to Riedl will most likely be absent in the first game against Thailand. Even not only left back Dimas, Evan owned Persiba Balikpapan, Abdul Rahman, also under the condition of the sick. Dian Agus Joon ever Central injury.

"We have two players who are sick, they're sick since a few days ago," said national team coach, Alfred Riedl. "He [Evan] pain, same as Abdul Rahman. We will continue to see when they start to be back following exercise. "

"Dian Agus also suffered injuries. I doubt they could recover before AFF Cup rolling,I'm not sure they could play in the first game, "the former dial plan when asked directly in place of exercise.

For Dian Agus, Riedl has called his own goalie Semen Padang, Jandia Eka Putra, as anticipation had goalkeeper who currently plays for FC Borneo Pusamania this does not recover in the near future. However, the good news is Andritany Ardhyasa andwinning the League is certainly ready for the first game against Thailand.

Other good news came from the attacker's flagship national team captain at the same time Indonesia, Boaz Solossa. Got injured, the attacker belonged to the Report from Jayapura it is back practicing.

"Boaz first time exercise this morning. His condition looks good, while the rest of the other players just fine, "said Riedl.

Opponent Thailand, Indonesia Without Evan Dimas?

Meanwhile, for the preparation of the overall team's own Fans still has problems inmidfield and defense. Despite that, he convinced the national team could provide aline of attack is a threat to the opponents will be facing Barcelona, namelyThailand,Singapore, and the Philippines.

"We scored against Viet Nam, we also scored three goals against Malaysia. I think we are not too bad on the front-line. We just wasted a chance in the face ofMyanmar's one-two. For lines of attack, we won't have a problem, "said Riedl.

"We have a slight problem in the defense line. We have a problem of Defense should be started by the attacker, not just a matter of the defensive line. The entire team,when it loses the ball, must take responsibility for getting the ball back, "Austria coach Cap.